Thank You LinuxWorld and Redhat
Expert session Highlights.

Hello Guys, yesterday we had an exciting session on Industry Use cases on Automation using Ansible. This was one of the greatest session I had with LinuxWorld’s ARTH — The School Of Technologies platform.
We had Arun Eapen and Sreejith Anujan (Both from RedHat) with us for almost two and a half hour. I thank LinuxWorld team for arranging such an amazing session. This is the best session till date.
We have knowledge on Ansible(RH294 Level) but Sreejith Anujan helped to get to know about the Ansible Tower(GUI Based Ansible) platform. Till the complete session, we feel good using Ansible Tower, which behind uses Ansible.
Few best things I collected from session :
To teach is to learn twice
Terraform + Ansible = Terrible
Session Highlights :
We had three demonstrations on Industry use case using Ansible. Sreejith Anujan was the one demonstarting all those activities.
1. Provisioning AWS EC-2 Instance using Ansible Tower Job Template ( Creates VPC, Subnet, Route Table, IGW, gives public IP).
Since we already created such playbook for launching EC2 Instance, I feel better when Sreejith Anujan was doing.
2. Creating Workflow which involves Approval(notified via Slack API)
This was the one, we are very excited while Sreejith was doing. Its almost like a orchestration which involves workflow(like if an event fails do this else do that). Here, when a job templates run successfully, then for running next job templates, it involves Granting permission from the persons via any Messaging API(Here Slack).
3. Launching Oracle Cloud Instance
Here we already know that Ansible by defaults doesn’t support many APIs. They are many such cases where we dont have any API for a particular use. Here using pip module, we can install those API based packs to get those functionality from Ansible/Ansible Tower. Here I get to know about the Collections which are like Official Galaxy(Roles) from RedHat.
And Finally the QnA session went very good. Even though I have asked many questions for which I didnt get any reply, I am sure that Vimal Daga sir’s session would helps me to solve the same questions by myself.
Looking forward for many such sessions !!!!!!
I thank Vimal Daga Sir , Preethi Mam, Abid Matoo, Arun Eapen, Sreejith Anujan for such a great sessions.